Nigeria Customs Service Past Questions and Answers | PDF Download Now For Free

Nigeria Customs Service Past Questions and Answers PDF

Nigerian Customs Past Questions and answers Pdf Cover Page

We appreciate your interest in purchasing the Nigeria Customs Service Past Questions and Answers.

This past question is simply a compilation of all NCS Past questions written in the past by applicants who had in the previous year’s applied for various positions in the Nigeria Customs Service.

Believe me; the purchase of the Nigeria Customs Service Past Questions and Answers will go a long way to improve your preparedness for the forthcoming recruitment exercise.

Apply for the Nigeria customs recruitment

I’m sure you do not need to be told or reminded that the Customs recruitment for the 2023/2024 recruitment year has started already. Our sources have given us a quick update on the next phase of selection which will be for the Nigerian Customs Service; where they will conduct an aptitude test for all applicants.

Most questions included in the Nigeria Customs Service Past Questions and Answers have been repeated over time.

We’d like you to note that the Customs Service recruits individuals based on merit and the competition for the vacant positions in this prestigious agency is very stiff because it has many interested applicants with very few positions available.

We have made available an Updated and Comprehensive Version of the Customs Service Past questions and answers for pre-screening.

The NCS recruitment for the year 2023 has given birth to a whole lot of buzz as well as controversies as to which is right or wrong and the right procedures to follow to be successful. At the end of the day, only those who have been successful with the screening exam for Nigeria Customs Service will be successfully selected for the job opportunity at Customs Service.

The Nigerian Customs recruitment past questions and answers for this year’s recruitment exercise is available now and we have made this guide for you to check and download this up-to-date past questions and answers.

Coming from experience, being in the Nigerian recruitment field for over 25 years of my career, I can confidently tell you that Past question is the key secret to 90% percent of success in any screening examination by Top firms like the Nigeria Customs Service.

The customs question has been compiled for you in a Pdf format and will go a long way in helping you Improve and test your efficiency in answering the questions which will be asked at the Screening Examination.

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Why You Should Get The Nigeria Customs Service Recruitment Exams Past Questions 2023/2024

Why should you purchase this past question?

I’d like to answer this question with a question. Do you want to succeed in the NCS recruitment 2023/2024?

If the answer is yes, then purchase this past question today. It will not only guide you to succeed in the Customs recruitment exercise but will prepare you extra for the Oral Interview.

Apart from other reasons which we have recollected from users that have purchased our past questions in the past and were successfully recruited which we have included in the latter part of this post, here are a few reasons why you should purchase this past question.

  1. It gives you a focused insight into what to expect in the actual examination.
  2. 80% of questions contained therein are usually repeated by the customs service either directly or rephrased.
  3. You will easily recall answers to questions if you see them in the exam hall thereby saving you time for other tougher questions.
  4. Gives you confidence before you enter the hall for the actual thing.
  5. Increases your experience and makes you understand patterns for the question from this agency.

Apply for the Nigeria customs recruitment

Note that all past questions are sent through email and within 20 minutes from confirmation of payment.

We have all Nigeria Customs Service Past Questions and Answers in soft downloadable copies and they all are available on request only.

Assurance of Delivery

Not sure the past questions will be delivered to you as promised?

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No worries. We get that a lot of people are scared of doing online transactions probably based on personal experiences.

We’d like to assure you though that our services are based on honesty and integrity. This has been proven over again. It is one of the reasons we are prominent with past question sales.

Our services are trusted. We have been delivering great and reliable services to our customers for years now. We’d like to assure you that your satisfaction is our priority.

We advise all applicants to get the Nigeria custom recruitment past question and give it no second thought. This is due to the fact that the portal will be closed in about two weeks and that the screening test will start anytime from now, you will not have enough time to prepare if you do not download the past question now.

The total price of all the past questions and answers is N1,500. To get this past question booklet, follow the procedures indicated below:

How to purchase Customs Recruitment Past Questions and Answers:

The steps to follow in purchasing a personal copy of the Nigerian Customs Recruitment Past Questions has been clearly detailed below and if you follow it carefully, you will not have any issues in downloading a personal copy of the past questions and answers for customs recruitment 2023.

To download the Nigerian Customs Recruitment Past Questions and answer, follow the steps below:

COST: 1500 NGN

Payment Details:

Account Name:  

Account Number: 

Bank: GTBank (Guarantee trust bank)

Mobile Transfers fully Accepted

Please pay the amount written above to the details provided below in order to get your Nigeria Customs Service Recruitment Past Questions and Answers sent directly to you by mail or other alternative means as chosen by you (alternative means could be whatsapp). Past questions are delivered in 20 minutes from confirmation of payment.

Alternative Method of payment for Customs past questions and answers

If you have issues and cannot make a transfer or pay through the bank, you can send a recharge card worth 2,000 on MTN Nigeria to our agent on the phone number indicated above.

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The recharge card is only for those who cannot pay at the bank or have issues transferring the money.

If You Want This Past Question On Nigerian Customs service, Please call 08109345578 ( our agent) and make a request to purchase the pq and answers for the NCS recruitment screening test.


What to do after payment:

After paying the stipulated amount successfully to the account hereby provided,

Follow the steps below and send the details to 08 ;

Send the following:

  • Depositors Name
  • Name of the Name or Account Name used for payment/transfer
  • Email address (Make sure the email you send to us is accessible by you.)
  • Past question paid for< Nigeria Customs Service Recruitment Past Questions Pdf>

You can call our agent on 08  for questions before and after payment or send us a mail at or send us a message on WhatsApp with our number(08 )

N/B: Immediately after your payment is received, you will receive past questions in your email address or through Whatsapp(depending on which platform you wish)


Important Notice on Customs recruitment

  • The Nigerian Customs service past questions and answers is a very relevant guide that contains questions that are likely to repeat itself in this year’s recruitment exercise. Expect question like the date that Nigerian customs was inaugurated.
  • All our readers that bought the nigeria custom past question and answer from our website scaled to the final stage and were successfully selected to work with the custom service. We have loads of testimonies from diverse people who have bought past questions from our site for customs and other past questions.

If You Want This Past Question On Nigerian Customs service, Please call 08  ( our agent) and make a request to purchase the past questions and answers for the NCS recruitment screening test.


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