Budget Office Of The Federation Recruitment 2023/2024 | See Application Procedures Here

Budget office of the federation recruitment

The Budget Office of the Federation recruitment information, for the recruitment year is available here. We have compiled and published the complete updates, as well as other vital information you need to stand strong, and succeed in the 2023 recruitment exercise of the Budget Office of the Federation.

About The Budget Office Of The Federation

The Budget Office of the Federation with its acronym as BOF is a Federal Agency in Nigeria. The Budget Office of the Federation was officially established to implement budgets, provide budget functions, and fiscal policies of the Federal Government of Nigeria.

The Budget Office of the Federation is divided into six operational departments and there functional units.

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Departments under the Budget Office of the Federation include;

  1. Administration
  2. Budget Monitoring and Evaluation
  3. Expenditure Economics
  4. Expenditure Social
  5. Finance and Accounts
  6. Revenue/Fiscal Policy

Requirements For Budget Office Of The Federation Recruitment

The points stated below, are the basic requirements, demanded by the Budget Office of the Federation, for the recruitment exercise.

Applicant  are therefore advised to take note of the following requirements listed below, so as to stand a chance of getting recruited under Budget Office of the Federation in this year’s recruitment exercise.

The requirements for the BOF recruitment include the following;

  1. Candidates must be completely healthy, and must not be physically challenged.
  2. Interested applicants must have a clear criminal record.
  3. Applicants must be inherent citizens of Nigeria.
  4. Candidate that are experts in basic computer applications have an edge. Basic computer applications include; Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Power Point, Microsoft Access, Web applications and the use of other relevant applications.
  5. Candidates must be certified by the Government Medical Officer, to prove that they are physically fit, mentally and psychologically balanced to participate in the Budget Office of the Federation recruitment exercise.
  6. Applicants must be creative, innovative and willing to adapt to new ideas and environment.
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How To Apply For Budget Office Of The Federation Recruitment

All interested applicants in the Budget Office of the Federation recruitment, should note that the application form for the 2023 Budget Office of the Federation BOF recruitment, is yet to be out.

However, you can visit the BOF official portal for clarification; www.budgetoffice.gov.ng.


The BOF recruitment application form is not yet available. On this note, we would like to advise you to disregard any news about the availability of the Budget Office of the Federation recruitment form for now. Kindly avoid any affiliations in any way with regards to this kind of news, to avoid being misled.

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